Candidate Forum Hays CISD School Board

Hays County Tejano Democrats held a forum for Hays CISD School Board candidates on April 10th, via zoom.

Links to Candidate Questionnaires:

At Large Katy Armstrong

District 3 Ray Chávez

School Board races are non-partisan; however, we are a Democratic club.  Therefore, we only invited candidates with some Democratic Primary history or no history of Primary voting.

In the At Large Race, only one candidate met the criteria, Katy Armstrong.  She had 100% Democratic voting history.  She accepted our invitation to participate.

In the District 3 Race, based on voting history, we invited Ray Chávez (100% Democratic history) and Courtney Runkle (50% Democratic history).   Chávez accepted our invitation and Runkle turned us down.

Endorsement Process:

Candidates must get 60% of the vote to receive an endorsement. Only members can vote, but anyone can attend the forum. Membership is valid if a person has paid dues and returned a completed and signed membership form.  To vote in an endorsement election, you must be a member 30 days prior to the endorsement forum.